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Maine Sport donates Bike to Work Week proceeds to McNEMBA

Maine Sport donates Bike to Work Week proceeds to McNEMBA

Maine Sport Outfitters is pleased to announce that they will be donating a total of $560 to Midcoast Maine NEMBA after the completion of their Bike to Work Week events.

Between May 14th and May 18th, Maine Sport employees from both Rockport and Camden took part in the Bike Week Lunch Challenge. For every mile ridden during an employee’s lunch break, Maine Sport promised $1 to McNEMBA. Maine Sport’s Rockport location biked a total of 120 miles and their Camden location biked a total of 40 miles, bringing the donation to $160. Topping off Bike to Work Week, Maine Sport’s bike shop hosted Maine Sport Mayhem, a trail running and mountain biking event. Over 25 participants braved the drizzly weather and a total of $400 was raised. Winners received Maine Sport Outfitters store gift certificates and bike frame bags donated by Ghost Cat Bags.

About McNEMBA: Midcoast Maine NEMBA rides, builds trails and promotes all things related to mountain biking in the Camden, Rockport, Rockland and Lincolnville area of coastal Maine. They partner with the local government, landowners and land conservation groups to secure cooperative, community-based support for mountain bikers and connected trail systems.

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